Become a Distributor

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Want to become a Distributor?

We’re seeking established, proactive distributors of health and safety equipment to expand our Worker ID product line product representation. Distributors within the United States, Canada, and mainland Europe are preferable, but applications from all regions will be considered.

Easy Ordering for Distributors!

Approved distributors can purchase products at exclusive distributor rates directly at checkout using your assigned distributor code.
Distribution vital id medical alert

Interested In Working With Us?

If you are interested in representing Worker ID products and feel your customers would appreciate being introduced to our unique solutions, we would love to work with you.

Please complete the contact form and we will contact you directly and supply you with all of the information you need to get started.

To access the password protected downloads and other distributor pages, please contact us for the access password.
(Note – only approved distributors will be provided access)

Contact Form


Vital ID Simple. Effective. Secure

We are focused on building a long-term, sustainable business.